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Download a sample copy here.xVanvana ‘Harlequinade’, 2009, IR091122, Jon Lindstrom, AR. (Vanhouttea lanata x Paliavana tenuiflora). Cross made Oct. 22, 2007, planted Mar. 8, 2008 and first flowered Oct. 28, 2008. Sterile as far as known, reproducible only vegetatively. Shrubby plant, indeterminate growth resembling Vanhouttea parent, flowering Oct. to Dec. in northern hemisphere. Leaves hairy, green,(RHS 137B), 126 mm long x 63.5 mm wide with 26.5 mm petiole, ovate to elliptic with serrate margin, acute tip and cordate or oblique base. Calyx yellow-green (RHS 149A), intermediate between split and leafy, 28 mm long. Pedicel 39 mm with 1-2 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, recurving, 47 mm long x 32 mm wide, exterior grayed-purple (RHS 186C), interior limbs red-purple (N66D), interior throat white with darker red-purple spots (RHS 64A) arranged in lines, mark the corolla interior and spread to the limb.
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