Kohleria ‘Liliput’
Kohleria ‘Liliput’, 2020, IR201492, hybridized by Ahmet Levent Cerci, Turkey. (K. ‘HCY’s Jardin de Monet’ x K. eriantha). Cross made Jul. 2017, seeds planted Oct. 2017, first flowered Apr. 2018. Reproducible only vegetatively. Upright growth habit, length of the stem 10 cm, miniature to compact grower. Leaves dark green, with reddish/magenta reverse, 100mm long, 85 mm wide, 15 mm long petiole, ovate with cuneate base, crenate margin and acute tip. Calyx spit, light green with darker tips, 12 mm long. Pedicel 45 mm long with 1 flower per axil. Corolla salverform, 35 mm long x 28 mm wide, pink outside, face light pink with red dots, throat yellow with smaller dots. Compact growth habit with short internodal distances makes this hybrid unique and desirable.
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