Petrocosmea ‘In Rainbows’

Petrocosmea ‘In Rainbows’, 2011, IR111154, Jaco Truter, South Africa. (P. forrestii x P. barbata). Cross made Feb. 21, 2009, planted Oct. 18, 2009 and first flowered Jan. 15, 2011. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Flat rosette. Leaves medium green, 2.0 cm long x 1.5 cm. wide with 0.5 cm petiole, orbicular with entire margin, rounded tip and cuneate base. Calyx split, green, 0.5 cm long, pedicel 2.0 cm long with 1 flower per leaf axil. Corolla campanulate, 0.4 cm long x 2.0 cm wide, soft lilac with two yellow bars on bottom lobes. Loose, flat rosette shape from P. barbata parent as are the very large upper corolla lobes.
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