Primulina ‘Alvin’s Kornhill Peony’
Primulina ‘Alvin’s Kornhill Peony’, 2016, IR161315, Alvin Tam, Hong Kong, (P. gueilinensis var.longipedunculata x self), chance seedling selection. Cross made 2010/4/2, planted 2010/5/12, and first flowered 2011/3/9. Reproducible true from seeds. Basal rosette. Leaves green with silvery veins, 27 cm long x 12 cm wide with nearly no petiole, elliptic with entire margin, cuneate base and acute tip, smooth. Calyx split, green, ca.1 cm long. Pedicel 2-2.5 cm, 10 or more flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 5-6 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, white, pale pink, magenta-violet. This is a silver veined form of P.gueilinensis var,longipeduncuata (unpublished),which has longer peduncle than the species P.gueilinensis and nicer flowers. Prefers wet environment, responds well to fertilizing.
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