Primulina ‘Blue Mood’

Primulina ‘Blue Mood’, 2014, IR141235, Lai Bi-Dan and Wen Fang, China. (P. linearifolia × P. macrorhiza). Cross made Mar. 15, 2011, planted Apr. 20, 2011 and first flowered Mar. 9, 2013. Sterile, reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette. Leaves green with gray or white short pubescent hair, 12-14 cm long × 3-3.5 cm wide, 5-6 cm petiole, hairy, linear with crenate margin, cuneate base and acute tip. Calyx split, chartreuse, 0.5-0.8 cm. Pedicel 1.2-1.5 cm. Number of flowers per axil – 2-4. Corolla salverform, 4.5-5.5 cm long × 2.5-3 cm wide, light blue. Easy to grow, suitable to very good light but not direct sun. Temperature should be above 0°C and below 35°C.

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