Primulina (Chirita) ‘Dreamtime’

Primulina ‘Dreamtime’. 2000, IR00729, John Boggan, DC. (P. sp. ‘New York’ x P. flavimaculata). Cross made Apr. 1996, planted May 1996 and first flowered Mar. 1997. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Stemless basal rosette with opposite leaves to 12 in. across or more. Leaves bright green, sparsely hairy, 6-7 in. long, 3-4 in. wide, ovate with ½ -1 in. petiole, crenate mar­gin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx pale green, split, peduncle to 6 in. with 6-8 or more flowers per leaf axil. Corolla salverform, pale yellow, similar to seed parent but slightly larger. First published 1997, CrossWords 21 (2) 3. First commercial listing 1999, McKinney’s spring cat.

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