Primulina ‘Minnie Pearl’

Primulina ‘Minnie Pearl’, 2021, IR211581, hybridized by Barb Borleske, DE. (P. ophiopogoides x P. linearifolia.). Cross made 03.01.2018, seeds planted 04.20.2018, first flowering 02.2019. Reproducible only vegetatively. Erect habit, stem length 6 cm, grows upright on thick sturdy stems, readily forms off-shoots. Leaves shiny dark green, very short inconspicuous hairs, 4-8 cm long, 0.6-0.8 cm wide, no distinct petiole, linear with acute tip, entire margin, smooth, slightly hairy. Calyx split, green, 0.6 cm. Length of the pedicel 8 cm, 1-6 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 2.3 cm long x 1.1 cm wide, white. It is tolerant of warm and cool temperatures, grows well in natural light, blooms very freely for about 2 months in late fall/winter.

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