Primulina ‘Rouge Spots’
Primulina ‘Rouge Spots’, 2020, IR201526 registered by Wei Yi-gang, Wen Fang, Huang Zhang-jie, Guangxi Institute of Botany, CAS & GCCC, Guilin, China. (P. petrocosmeoides x P. leprosa). Cross made 09.15.2017, seeds planted 03.17.2018, first flowering 03.19.2019. Sterile, reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette, stem length 1-2 cm. Leaves green 13-20 cm long, 7-10 cm wide, 3-5 cm petiole, ovate, with cuneate base, acute tip, entire margin, bullate, hairy. Calyx split, green, 0.2-0.3 cm. Length of the pedicel 1 cm, 5-8 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 3 cm long x 1.3-1.5 cm wide, pink and yellow with purple spots in the tube, purple lines from abaxial and adaxial lips to the inside of the tube. Yellow abaxial and adaxial lips. Shade-tolerant but enjoys bright scattered light, prefers moist but well-drained substrate, will not bear temperature below freezing.
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