Primulina ‘Sailing’

PrimulinaSailing’, 2020, IR201539, registered by Le Luo, Dong He, Xiaoyan Yao, Qixiang Zhang, Yingying Shi, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China. (Mutation of P. pungentisepala). First flowered in 2008. Reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette. Leaves fern green, with silver reticulate veins, 7.8-12.5 cm long, 3.6-6.7 cm wide, 1.3-2.7cm petiole, elliptic, with cuneate base, acute tip, entire margin. Calyx split, purplish green 0.4-0.6 cm. Length of the pedicel 5-8 cm, 2-4 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 3-4 cm long x 0.7-0.85 cm wide, pale lilac. This cultivar selected as a result of cutting propagation of Primulina pungentisepala, and the characteristics are stable. Leaves are darker green than on the original species, silver pattern is more obvious. The flowering period starts 2 months earlier and lasts from mid-December to February. Greenhouse grown plants can blossom for the duration of the Spring Festival. The cultivar has a high ornamental and application value, as a good source of flowers for the festival and a desirable mini foliage plant.

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