Primulina ‘SCBG Colorful Spring’
Primulina ‘SCBG Colorful Spring’, 2021, IR211583, hybridized by Ning Zu-lin, Chen Ling, Li Dong-mei, South China Botanical Garden, Guangzhou, China. (P. medica x P. villosissima). Cross made 03.13.2014, seeds planted 07.26.2014, first flowering 04.05.2016. Reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette, acaulescent. Leaves moderate green, leathery, densely villous, 18-27 cm long, 5.0-9.5 cm wide, 4.0-6.5 cm petiole, ovate to elliptic with cuneate base, acuminate tip, entire margin, hairy. Calyx split, brown, 1-1.2 cm. Length of the pedicel 1.0-2.5 cm, 9-17 flowers per axil. Bracts lanceolate, green,1.5-2 ×0.3-0.5 cm. Corolla salverform, 4.0-4.3 cm long, 2.2×2.4 cm wide, purplish pink, white with deep purple stripes and two yellow guidelines at the mouth. It prefers a good natural light and moist substrate.
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