Primulina ‘SCBG Zixia’
Primulina ‘SCBG Zixia’, IR141245, Ning Zu-Lin, Liu Juan and Kang Ming, Guangzhou, prov. Guangdong, China. (P. danxiaensis x P. depressa). Cross made Apr, 2012, planted Aug. 2012 and first flowered 2013. Reproducible only vegetatively. Basal Rosette. Leaves deep green, 4-6 cm long x 4.5-6 cm wide, 3-7cm petiole, hairy, bullate, orbicular with serrate margin, cordate base and acute tip. Calyx split, green, 8-10mm long, ca.1 mm wide. Pedicel 3-5 cm, no. of flowers per axil–3-7. Corolla salverform, 2.8-3.2 cm long, tube 2-2.2 cm long x 1.6 x1.4 cm wide with orifice 0.6- 0.8 cm in diameter, blue –purple corolla tube, white to pale purple corolla lobes. Distinguishing characteristics: Leaf blades thickly leathery, deep green. Corolla tube blue purple, lobes white to pale purple with purple veins and conspicuous yellow macula on the adaxial lip.
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