Primulina ‘Star Sand’

Primulina ‘Star Sand’, 2020, IR201529 registered by Wen Fang, Huang Zhang-jie, Li Shu, Guangxi Institute of Botany, CAS & GCCC, Guilin, China. (P. subrhomboidea  x P. subrhomboidea). Cross made 04.15.2017, seeds planted 03.17.2018, first flowering 03.26.2019. Fertile, true from seeds. Basal rosette, stem length 1 cm. Leaves grayish green, 25 cm long, 18 cm wide, 2-3 cm petiole, elliptic with cuneate base, acute tip, entire margin, smooth. Calyx split, brown, 0.4 cm. Length of the pedicel 0.8-1 cm, 7-9 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 4 cm long x 3-4 cm wide, purple. This cultivar is the choice selection from the wild stock. Large greyish green leaves, nearly diamond in shape, full of silvery particles on the abaxial surfaces of leaves, look similar to bright sands/stars in the dark night sky. Purple flowers, white tube, two yellow nectar guides and purple spots in the tube.  Long inflorescence with red hair.  Shade-tolerant but enjoys bright scattered light, prefers moist but well-drained substrate, will not bear temperature below freezing.

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