Primulina ‘WF’s Pink Waltz’
Primulina ‘WF’s Pink Waltz’, 2015, IR151305, Fang Wen; Yi-Gang Wei; Zhi-Guo Zhao; Guangxi Institute of Botany & Gesneriads Conservation Center of China, Guangxi, China (P. roseoalba x P. anisocymosa ined). Cross made 09/09/13, planted 12/23/13, and first flowered 09/24/14. Reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette. Leaves green to yellowish green, thick, leathery, strigose on both surfaces, ca.15 cm long x 12-13 cm wide with 8-12 cm petiole, orbicular with entire margin, cuneate base and rounded tip, hairy. Calyx split, brownish green, ca.1.5 cm long. Pedicel ca. 2-3 cm, 8 or more flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, ca. 5 cm long, 2.2-2.5 cm wide, bright pinkish purple. The corolla size is bigger than its parents and it can be distinguished by the bright pinkish purple to purple corolla without two yellow stripes inside, instead it has about ten dark purple slender stripes, and the tube is the thicker infundibuliform. Has a loose inflorescence with lots of cymes and flowers. Prefers bright scattered natural light; moist but well-drained substrate; calcium-rich with PH ≥7.0, do not overfertilize.
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