Primulina ‘Yuyang’s Dandinghe’

Primulina ‘Yuyang’s Dandinghe’, 2022, IR221712, hybridized by Yuyang Lei, Haixia Yan, Shikai Guan, Qian Song, Kai Li; Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Nanning, China. (P. linearifolia x P. bullata). Cross made 01.17.2021, seeds planted 03.31.2021, first flowering 12.26.2021. Sterile, reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette, acaulescent. Leaves green with white veins, 7.4-14.1 cm long, 2.1-3.6 cm wide, 0.9-2.5 cm petiole, elliptic with cuneate base, acute tip, serrate margin, hairy. Calyx split, light green, 10-11 mm. Length of the pedicel 1.1-2.5 cm, 14 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 2.5-4.5 cm long, 2.6-2.8 cm wide, purplish, with distinct red patches on the upper lips. Can tolerate heat and drought. Can endure bright but scattered light.

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