Sinningia ‘Stain’s Girl-blushing’

, 2022, IR221819, hybridized by Liu Shiliang(1,5), Hao Yanling(2,4), Yang Rongjie(3) 1. Sichuan Agricultural University; 2. Chengdu Agricultural College; 3. Chengdu University; 4. Wenjiang Suiren-nianfeng Agricultural Science and Technology Studio; 5. Sichuan Yuze Landscape Planning and Design Co. Ltd.; Sichuan, China. ((S. ‘Ruby’ x S. ‘Elegant White’ x S. ‘Elegant White’). Cross made 07.20.2019, seeds planted 01.25.2020, first flowering 05.13.2020. Fertile. Basal rosette, stem length 5.6-7.2 cm. Leaves dark green, pubescent, 12.5-14.2 cm long, 7.6-8.4 cm wide, 4.4-6.2 cm petiole, ovate with cordate base, acute tip, crenate margin, smooth, hairy. Calyx split, dark green. Length of the pedicel 1.2-1.8 cm, 2-3 flowers per axil. Corolla peloric double, 5.2-6.4 cm long, 6.6-7.8 cm wide, pink stained. Intolerant to a strong sunlight and rain, requires nutrients supply during a blooming season. Stain on the blossoms varies with temperature and humidity, heat turns the stain lighter, low temperature stimulates darker color.

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