Sinningia ‘JS White Empress’
Sinningia ‘JS White Empress’, 2021, IR211566, hybridized by Jeremy Stevens, NY, USA. (S. ‘JS Venis Kiss’ x S. ‘Ozark Doris Fay’). Cross made 08.27.2015, seeds planted 10.01.2015, first flowering 04.07.2016. Fertile. Reproducible only vegetatively. Miniature, upright habit, stem length 1.48 inch. Leaves dark to medium green, 2.2 inch long, 2.5 inch wide, 0.63 inch petiole, orbicular, with cordate base, rounded tip, entire margin, hairy. Calyx split, green with red tips, 0.25 inch. Length of the pedicel 0.75 inch, 1-3 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 1.15 inch long, 1.62 inch wide, crisp white petals with fuchsia blush in a center, bright yellow throat with sporadic red spots. Has a tendency to bloom peloric with 6 petals, short or no dormancy with constant growing/blooming.
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