Sinningia ‘Mama Kee’
Sinningia ‘Mama Kee’, 2017, IR171369, hybridized by Sharon Crochet, LA. (S. pink seedling from GS Seed Fund x (S. ‘Delta Fox’ x self)). Cross made 10.23.2015, planted 11.02.2016, and first flowered 03.28.2017. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette 5-6 in wide, 4 in tall, stem length 3 in. Leaves green, 2in long, 1.5 in wide, with 1.25 in petiole, orbicular with cordate base, crenate margin and rounded tip. Calyx split, green with purple tips, 0.25 in long. Pedicel 0.75 in long with 1-2 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform 1 in long x 0.75 in wide, soft salmon with spots, upper petals darker, lower 3 petals have some white around the spots, edged salmon throat has red streaks.
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