Sinningia ‘Matt Hudson’
Sinningia ‘Matt Hudson’, IR091099, Tim Tuttle, PA. (S. ‘Tropical Twilight’ x S. ‘Los Angeles’). Cross made Aug. 2004, planted Oct. 2004 and first flowered May 27, 2005. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Compact, upright growth. Leaves hairy, dark green with darker green veins, 84 mm long x 91 mm wide with 78 mm petiole, orbicular with entire margin, acuminate tip and cordate base. Calyx split, green, 8 mm long. Pedicel 82 mm long with 5 flowers per leaf axil. Corolla salverform, 52 mm long x 46 mm wide, light pink with dark pink base, petal edges deeper pink and slightly ruffled. Best New Hybrid, Sept. 2005 Tennessee Gesneriad Society Chapter Show.
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