Sinningia ‘Sunrise’s Early-Morning’
Sinningia ‘Sunrise’s Early-Morning’, 2022, IR221707, hybridized by Hao Yanling; Chengdu Agricultural College; Chengdu, Sichuan, China. [(S. ‘Compact White Angel’ x S.’Fragrant Fig’) x (S. ‘Emperor Frederick’ x S. ‘Double Brocade’)]. Cross made 08.12.2016, seeds planted 01.20.2017, first flowering 08.10.2017. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette, stem 10-12 cm. Leaves top surface dark green, reverse light green with purple veins, 8-9 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, 3-5.6 cm petiole, ovate with cordate base, acute tip, crenate margin, smooth. Calyx split, green, 2-3 cm. Length of the pedicel 10-12.2 cm, 6-8 flowers per axil. Corolla peloric, double, ca. 6 cm long, 4.6-5.2 cm wide, white petals with wide fuschia edge tipped with white . Prefers good sunlight and slightly acidic soil with rich humus, easy to become leggy, can be planted outdoors.
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