Streptocarpus ‘Katherine Jeanne’

Streptocarpus ‘Katherine Jeanne’, 2015, IR151286, hybridized by Bobby G.Nicholson, registered by Jane Laystrom, Illinois (S. ‘Bristols Red Typhoon’ x unnamed seedling). Cross made Jun., 2012, planted Oct., 2012, and first flowered Apr 8, 2015. Reproducible only vegetatively. Rosette. Leaves medium dark green, 6-7 inch long x 3-4 inch wide with 2 inch petiole, linear with slightly undulate margin, cuneate base and acuminate tip. Calyx split, green, 0.2 inch. Pedicel 0.5 inch with 2 flowers. Corolla salverform, 1 inch long x 2 inch wide, maroon with white picotee edge.
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