Streptocarpus ‘KW-Kasienka’

Streptocarpus ‘KW-Kasienka’, 2016, IR161350, hybridized by Katarzyna Wiatr , Poland (S. ’Zavist’ Bogov’ x S. ‘Moroznye Uzory’). Cross made 04.14.2013, planted 09.22.2013, and first flowered 06.17.2014. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Basal rosette. Leaves dark green, 26 cm long, 8.5 cm wide, with 4 cm petiole, oblong with cuneate base, undulate margin and rounded tip. Calyx split, light green, 0.5 cm long. Pedicel 2-3 cm with 15-25 flower per axil. Corolla salverform, 6-6.5 cm long, 8-9cm wide, white with violet stripes. Easy to grow, very floriferous with a long flowering time, strong bloomstalks.

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