×-Smithicodonia ‘Clara the Storyteller’
×-Smithicodonia ‘Clara the Storyteller’, 2021, IR211580, hybridized by Dennis Kramb, Ohio. (Smithiantha zebrina x Eucodonia ‘Pat’s Pet Ostrich’). Cross made 08.12.2017, seeds planted 10.23.2017, first flowering 08.05.2018. Fertile, reproducible only vegetatively. Spreading habit, stem length 15 cm. Leaves chartreuse green with contrasting dark red veins, 12 cm long, 6 cm wide, 2 cm petiole, elliptic with cordate base, acute tip, crenate margin, hairy. Calyx split, green, 3 mm. Length of the pedicel 8 cm, up to 8 flowers per axil. Corolla salverform, 4 cm long x 2.5 cm wide, pink with bright yellow throat heavily dotted with darker pink.
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