xAchimenantha ‘Ohio’s Blue Bullets’
xAchimenantha ‘Ohio’s Blue Bullets’, 2016, IR161332, hybridized by Daniel Steele, Ohio (Smithiantha ‘Sassy Redhead’ x Achimenes (un-named hybrid)). Cross made summer 2010, planted 11/09/2010, and first flowered 03/19/2011. Sterile. Reproducible only vegetatively. Upright grower favoring Achimenes growth habits. Leaves dark green/red reverse, 2 ¼” long x 1 ⅝” wide with ¼” petiole, bullate, ovate with cuneate base, serrate margin and acute tip. Calyx split, green with touch of red, 5/16”. Pedicel 5/16” with 1 flower per axil. Corolla salverform, 2 ¼” long x 1 5/8 wide, blue/purple with dark spots extending almost to the edge of the petals.
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