Convention Flower Show Special Award Sponsorships

This is the listing of division, section and special awards that will be distributed at the 2024 Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. Division, section or special awards that do not have a sponsor are available for sponsorship. In addition to these awards, over 80 class awards are also available, assigned at the discretion of the Awards Chairperson. You may sponsor an award online or by mailing the award sponsorship form to the Awards Chairperson. If you are interested in endowing an award or sponsoring a recurring award, contact the Awards Chairperson.

Division Awards (various sponsorship rates; see previous page)

Best in Horticulture – a recurring award sponsored by the Long Island Gesneriad Society
Runner up to Best in Horticulture – a recurring award sponsored by the Greater New York Gesneriad Society
Best in Artistic  – an award sponsored by anonymous
Runner up to Best in Artistic – an award sponsored by Barbara Festenstein
Best in Arts – an award sponsored by Winston Goretsky
Runner up to Best in Arts – an award sponsored by Peter Shalit
Best in Commercial/Educational – an award sponsored by Sally Robinson

Sweepstakes (various sponsorship rates; see previous page)

Sweepstakes in Horticulture – a recurring award sponsored by the New England Gesneriad Society
Runner up to Sweepstakes in Horticulture – an award sponsored by Terri Vicenzi
Sweepstakes in Artistic – an award sponsored by the Toronto African Violet and Gesneriad Society
Runner-up to Sweepstakes in Artistic – an award sponsored by Barb Borleske
Sweepstakes in the Arts – an award sponsored by Leonard Re
Multi-Division Sweepstakes – a recurring award sponsored by Jeanne Katzenstein

Section Awards ($45 per award)

Best in Section A (Tuberous) – a recurring award sponsored by Molly Schneider
Best in Section B (Rhizomatous) – an award sponsored by Julie Mavity-Hudson
Best in Section C (Fibrous) – an award sponsored by Laura Buckner
Best in Section D (Old World Gesneriads in Flower) – an award sponsored by Mel Grice
Best in Section E (Gesneriads Grown for Ornamental Qualities) – an award sponsored by Judi Du Pont
Best in Section F (New Gesneriads) – an award sponsored by Tom Bruning
Best in Section G (Lesser-Known Gesneriads) – an award sponsored by Kelly Ates
Best in Section H (Trained or Sculptured Gesneriads) – an award sponsored by Linda Palmero
Best in Section I (Gesneriads Grown by a Novice) – an award sponsored by the New England Gesneriad Society
Best in Section J (Collection of Gesneriads) – an award sponsored by Ginny Heatter
Best in Section K (Arrangements of Fresh-cut Material) – an award sponsored by Julie Mavity-Hudson and Molly Schneider
Best in Section L (Arrangements of Dried and/or Growing Material) – an award sponsored by M J Tyler
Best in Section M (Container Plantings) – an award sponsored by Barb Borleske
Best in Section N (Artistic Entry by a Novice)
Best in Section O (Photography) – an endowed award sponsored by the Crisafulli Family
Best in Section P (Arts and Crafts) – a recurring award sponsored by the Tennessee Gesneriad Society
Best in Section Q (Educational) – an award sponsored by Ralph Oliges
Best in Section R (Commercial) – an award sponsored by Peter Shalit

Special Awards ($30 per award)

Best Gesneriad Grown by a non-Member – a recurring award sponsored by Paulo Castello da Costa
Best Gesneriad Grown by a First-Time Convention Exhibitor – an award sponsored by JoAnne Martinez
Best Gesneriad Exhibiting Fruit – an endowed award sponsored by the African Violet and Gesneriad Society of New Jersey
Best New Hybrid – an award sponsored by Ray Coyle
Best New Species – a recurring award sponsored by the African Violet and Gesneriad Society of New Jersey
Best Recently Registered Cultivar – a recurring award sponsored by the Gesneriad Hybridizers Association
Best Scented Gesneriad – an award sponsored by Anne Vidaver
Best Taiwan Cultivar – a recurring award sponsored by James Dean Parise
Best Gesneriad Species Native to Brazil – an award sponsored by Jeanne Katzenstein

Best Achimenes – an award sponsored by Mary Helen Maran
Best Columnea – an award sponsored by Elizabeth Varley
Best Drymonia – an award sponsored by Dell Sherk
Best Episcia – an award sponsored by Terri Vicenzi
Best Gesneria – an award sponsored by Jill Fischer
Best Kohleria – an award sponsored by Terri Vicenzi
Best Nematanthus species– an award sponsored by the Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society
Best Petrocosmea – a recurring award sponsored by the New England Gesneriad Society
Best Primulina – an award sponsored by Jim Vlasic
Best Saintpaulia species – an award sponsored by Karyn Cichocki
Best Saintpaulia cultivar – an award sponsored by Levin Tilghman
Best Sinningia – an award sponsored by Laura Buckner
Best Streptocarpus  – an award sponsored by Rick Fadden

Best Brandon Erikson Cultivar – an award sponsored by Levin Tilghman
Best Dale Martens Cultivar – an award sponsored by Terri Vicenzi
Best David Harris Cultivar – an award sponsored by Wallace Wells
Best Gunilla Svensson (Ni’s) Cultivar – an award sponsored by Kitty Hedgpeth
Best Hung Chia-Yu (HCY’s) Cultivar – an award sponsored by Dale Martens
Best Iain James (Peridots) Cultivar – an award sponsored by Wallace Wells
Best Jim Vlasic (JV) Cultivar – an award sponsored by Mel Grice
Best Margery Anderson-Clive Cultivar – an award sponsored by Mel Grice
Best Peter Shalit Cultivar – an award sponsored by Del Sherk
Best Serge Saliba (SRG) Cultivar– an award sponsored by Lance Wehrle
Best Violet Barn (Bristol’s/Ma’s/Rob’s) Cultivar – an award sponsored by the National Capital Area Chapter
Best Wu Jui-Jung (Jung’s) Cultivar– an award sponsored by Dale Martens


Show Award Sponsorship Page

last updated 5/6/2024



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