2025 Convention (Parsippany, NJ)
Gesneriads Gather in the Garden State
The 2025 Convention Team is looking forward to our gathering at The Gesneriad Society’s 68th Annual Convention to celebrate our favorite plants. Mark your calendars for June 29 to July 5, 2025, and join us at the Sheraton Parsippany Hotel in north-central New Jersey.
We will gather for our third “recent” convention in New Jersey: the first in 1988 in New Brunswick; the second in 2002 in Morristown; and now in 2025 in Parsippany. This part of New Jersey is familiar to many of our Gesneriad Society members who have gathered nearby at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum where the local gesneriad chapter members have held gesneriad shows and sales since the late 1970s. Who could forget the Flamingo-Fests?
The convention program will give us many opportunities to gather and share our passion for gesneriads. Exhibitors from across the continent will be entering a large variety of plants and other entries in the flower show. We will also have a large selection of plants for sale from commercial and individual growers offering plants, tubers, rhizomes, and cuttings that cannot be found elsewhere. You’re sure to find many new additions for your collection. Silent and live auctions also offer unique opportunities for acquiring rare treasures.
We will have lectures, moderated discussions, and panels of gesneriad growers to share their experiences – programs to interest all. There will be a judging school for new and experienced judges to improve their knowledge of gesneriads. Numerous volunteer opportunities abound to help all contribute to our Society, and this is a great way to meet and make new friends!
Register ASAP! Early entry to plant sales on Wednesday night from 8-8:30pm is for convention registrants only and is based on your registration number. Plant sales will be open to the public on Friday and Saturday, but the best selection is available for convention registrants earlier.
If you have never been to a Gesneriad Society Convention before, we invite you to join us in New Jersey! Bring a wish list of plants, your plant questions, your auction donations, a show entry or several – and be prepared to come away with new friends, your questions answered, and new additions to your plant collection!
Note: More convention information to follow soon.
The on-line convention registration link will be opening soon …