2016 Convention People and Activities
Photos courtesy of Bob Clark, Winston Goretsky, Mel Grice, Stephen Maciejewski, Julie Mavity-Hudson, Ron Myhr, Jim Roberts, Peter Shalit and Paul Susi
2016 Convention Poster
The DoubleTree Downtown Wilmington Hotel
Checking in for the trip to Longwood Gardens
Elizabeth Varley discusses Longwood Gardens
The Conservatory at Longwood Gardens
The group gathers outside the Conservatory
Inside the Longwood Conservatory
Inside the Longwood Conservatory
Chrysothemis as bedding plants
Jay Sespico, Jon Dixon and Maureen Mark
Andrew Norris and Bill Price
Julie Mavity-Hudson, Carol Ann Bonner and Randy Baron
The Water Lily Garden
Doris Brownlie, Bill Price, Gil and Joan Wood
Victoria Water Lilies
Betsy Gottshall, Jay Sespico, Maureen Mark and Julie Mavity-Hudson
Dale Martens, Molly Schneider and Michael Riley
Levin Tilghman
Casual group dinner Monday night
Monday Social
Jay Sespico and Paul Lee
Dick and Wanda Macnair and Irina Nicholson
Group waiting for the Winterthur house tour
Outside the house
Docent discussing the history of the house
The main spiral staircase
A whimsical fountain on the grounds
Hong Xin and Wen Fang navigating the grounds
Waiting for the tram
Carolyn Ripps, Anne Vidaver and Barb Festenstein
Susan Grose, Eileen McGrath, Bob Clark and Peter Shalit on the tram
Sally Robinson, Elizabeth Varley, Bob Clark, Austin Grevious, Mel Grice and Paul Susi
The annual meeting of the Board of Directors
Sally Robinson (Parliamentarian), Julie Mavity-Hudson (President) and Leonard Re (Recording Secretary) at the board meeting
The board deliberating
Wen Fang, Leonard Re and Stephen Maciejewski
Eileen McGrath
Paul Lee, Jo Anne Martinez and Gussie Farrice
Mary Schaeffer, Local Convention Chairperson
Jo Anne Martinez, Society Convention Chairperson
Tom Finnigan with Barb Borleske, Flower Show co-chairperson
Mel Grice and M J Tyler
Dee and Bob Stewart and Judy Becker
Jim Roberts, Bill Price and Winston Goretsky
Sylvia Svitak and Marilyn Heinrich
Steve Kerr and Barb Festenstein
Wen Fang (center) introduces Fan Zhi-Wei to Paul Susi
The Conservation meeting
Stephen Maciejewski and Jeremy Keene, Conservation Committee Co-chairs
Wen Fang presents an update on the Gesneriad Conservation Center of China
Hong Xin discusses his latest conservation work
Judging School Workshop
Workshop Attendees
Paul Kroll, co-facilitator of the workshop
Intermediate Judging School led by Mel Grice
Novice Judging School led by Arleen Dewell
Jeremy Keene introduces Nancy Kast
Nancy Kast speaks on growing humidity loving plants in Florida
Ron Myhr welcomes Gary Hunter of Gary's Specialty Plants
Practice judging in the afternoon: Doris Brownlie, Brett Flewelling and Robert Hall
Karyn Cichocki, Cindy Eastman and Gussie Farrice
Brandon Erikson and Mel Grice
Gary Vellenzer, Irina Nicholson and Norah Otto
Norah Otto at the luncheon honoring chapters and affiliates
Marilyn Heinrich, Randy Baron, Carolyn Ripps and Mike Horton enjoy a casual dinner
Celebrating Hong Xin's birthday
Speaker David Neill and Student Grant Committee Co-Chair Jeanne Katzenstein
Dale Martens presides at the GHA meeting
Celebrating GHA's first 40 years
Diantha and Albert Buell
Enjoying the GHA presentation
Rob and Olive Ma Robinson
Nancy Moerer and Jay Sespico
Tom Bruning, the GHA raffle man
Ben Paternoster 2016 Flower Show Co-Chair and Tom Bruning the 2017 Flower Show Chair
Entries Chair Karyn Cichocki and Awards Chair Paul Susi
Nancy Kast prepping her entries
Rosemary Platz, Flower Show Placement Chair
Judy Becker inspects Mary Schaeffer's plants
The designers busy at work
Doris Carson accepting auction donations
Student Grant Commmittee and Speakers Co-Chair Sephen Maciejewski
Students discuss their trip to Ecuador with John L. Clark
David Neill discusses plant exploration in Ecuador
Student Grant Recipients Claire Garcia, Megan Kucker, Hong Xin
The Annual Membership Meeting presided over by President Julie Mavity-Hudson
Annual Membership Meeting Dinner
Award of Appreciation recipients Becky Fontes and Bob Clark with committee chairperson Molly Schneider (recipient Anton Weber not present)
A special presentation on Conrad Gessner was prepared by Anton Weber
Dr. Weber's presentation was delivered by Ron Myhr
Leonard Re guards the sales room
Betsy Gottshall and Maureen Mark have plant sales fever
The plant sales room
Julie Mavity-Hudson, Stephen Maciejewski and Nancy Kast
Mary Schaeffer stocks up
Dolly Yeh inspects a purchase
Betsy Branson isn't rushing
The sales checkout team: Becky Fontes, Michael Riley and Mike Horton
The merchandise sales team: Carol Ann Bonner, Jeremy Keene, Fay Wagman and Sylvia Svitak
Susan Grose gives instructions to the judges and clerks
The judges and clerks breakfast
The Flower Show is open!
The Horticulture Division
The Horticulture Division
The Arts and Artistic Divisions
Ray Ruger, Packet co-Chair, in front of the Educational Division exhibits
Photography Committee Chairperson Julie Mavity-Hudson at work
Some of the show photographers and assistants
Betsy Gottshall discusses miniature sinningias
Betsy Gottshall
Betsy Gottshall, Anne Vidaver and Loris Purtzer
Johnnie Berry and Barb Borleske peruse the mini-sinningia offerings
Francisco Correa, Molly Schneider, Michael Riley, Elizabeth Varley and Jon Dixon
Mary Schaeffer and Bobbie LaFashia, Convention Treasurer
Peter Shalit, Classification Chair, and Judy Becker
Maureen Mark, Irina Nicholson and Vilma Dalllas
Kathy Spissman, Johnnie Berry, Molly Schneider, Carol Ann Bonner and Julie Mavity-Hudson
Doris Carson, Auction Co-Chair
Susan Bradford
Jeanne Katzenstein, Nancy Kast, Marcela Mora and Jerry Kast
Marcia and Wayne Kilpatrick
Jeremy Keene and Karen Allen
Edie Chapman and Judith Smith
Laura Buckner and Barb Festenstein
Sylvia Svitak and Alan LaVergne
Wallace Wells
Liberty Bell Chapter members Russ Strover, Jeff Chapman, Tom Finnigan. Levin Tilghman, Judith Smith, Stephen Maciejewski and Betsy Branson
(from left) Maria Walueff, Wen Fang, Dolly Yeh, Lan Jiun Wu, Fan Zhi-Wei, Olive Ma and Ralph Robinson and Bobbie LaFashia
Eileen McGrath, Norah Otto, Peter Shalit, Bob Clark, Terry Celano, Betsy Gottshall, Sally Robinson and M J Tyler
Jeff and Deb Smith, Carol Brown and Edna Alexander
Best in Show recipient Ron Myhr and Paul Susi, Awards Chairperson
Runner up to Best in Show recipient Nancy Kast
Horticultural Sweepstakes winner Bobbie LaFashia
Artistic Sweepstakes winner Barbara Stewart
Horticultural Sweepstakes runner up and runner up to Best in the Arts winner Brandon Erikson
Artistic Sweepstakes runner up Paul Kroll
Best and runner up to Best in Artistic winner Steve Kerr
Best in the Arts winner Lan Jiun Wu
Multi-Division Sweepstakes and Best in Education winner Stephen Maciejweski
Paul Lee presents Paul Susi with the runner up to Best in Education award
Arleen Dewell leads the show critique for judges and clerks
Arleen Dewell, Alan LaVergne, Eileen McGrath, Paul Susi and Joan Wood discuss a judging issue
The Streptocarpus presentation by Karen Allen
Karen Allen
The audience at the strep presentation
Checking out the strep giveaways
Presentation by Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith speaking on species saintpaulia
Cindy Eastman and Barbara Stewart check out the saintpaulia giveaways
Bill Price, Auctioneer, and Tom Bruning, Auction Co-Chair
Joan Wood entices bidders
Auction bidding
Francisco Correa with original Conrad Gesner woodcut
Brandon Erikson, 2017 Convention Co-Chair, invites everyone to Omaha for the 2017 Convention
Auction settlement with Becky Fontes, Doris Brownlie, Molly Schneider and Elizabeth Varley
The Phytosanitary inspection
The Flower Show breakdown
The Flower Show is over
On the way to Timothy's Restaurant
Dinner at Timothy's on the Riverfront
Celebrating 200 years of gesneriads
(from left) Fan Zhi-Wei, Winston Goretsky, Bill Price, Dave Zaitlin, Leonard Re, Jeremy Keene, Wen Fang and Hong Xin
(from front left) Dale Martens, Mary Schaeffer, Gary Hunter, Quentin Schlieder, Dee and Bob Stewart, Judy Becker and Marilyn Heinrich
Mel Grice, Steve Kerr, Gussie Farrice, Fay Wagman, Barb Festenstein, Doris Brownlie and Sylvia Svitak
Kathy Spissman, Johnnie Berry, Carolyn Ripps, Mike Horton, Ronnie and Barbara Stewart, Randy Baron and Paul Susi
(from left) Albert and Linda Hall, Nancy Weinberger, Susan Bradford, Cindy Eastman and Ron Heisler
Jim Roberts, Speakers Co-Chair, presents "Hoarding-One Man's Attempt To Grow It All"
Drew Norris contributes to Jim's presentation
Gussie Farrice and Quentin Schlieder
Jeanne Katzenstein, Jo Anne Martinez, Betsy Gotshall, and Austin Grevious
Judith Smith, Jeff and Edie Chapman
The view from Timothy's after the thunderstorm
Back to the hotel
Jerry and Nancy Kast, Jim Roberts and Jeremy Keene
Wen Fang and Karyn Cichocki
Doris Brownlie, Judy Zinni and Jay Sespico
Until Next Year