2023 Blue Ribbon and Special Awards Entries
Photographs courtesy of Winston Goretsky, Dale Martens, Julie Mavity-Hudson and Ron Myhr
Sinningia speciosa Avenida Niemeyer exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Sinningia speciosa Avenida Niemeyer exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Sinningia speciosa Avenida Niemeyer exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Sinningia speciosa "Fantasy" exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Sinningia speciosa "Fantasy" exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Sinningia 'Li'l Georgie' exhibited by Kitty Hedgepeth
Sinningia 'Li'l Georgie' exhibited by Kitty Hedgepeth
Sinningia cultivar exhibited by Kitty Hedgepeth
Sinningia cultivar exhibited by Kitty Hedgepeth
Sinningia bullata Cânion Fortaleza exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Sinningia bullata Cânion Fortaleza exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Sinningia bullata Cânion Fortaleza exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Sinningia 'Bud's Galactic Core' exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Sinningia 'Bud's Galactic Core' exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Sinningia 'Judy Becker' exhibited by Dee Stewart
Sinningia 'Judy Becker' exhibited by Dee Stewart
Sinningia ‘Judy Becker' exhibited by Dee Stewart
Sinningia ‘HCY’s Lady Red’ exhibited by Kathy Spissman
Sinningia ‘HCY’s Lady Red’ exhibited by Kathy Spissman
Sinningia ˈParty Dress’ exhibited by Kitty Hedgepeth
Sinningia ˈParty Dress’ exhibited by Kitty Hedgepeth
Chrysothemis pulchella 'Bronze' exhibited by Edna Alexander
Chrysothemis pulchella 'Bronze' exhibited by Edna Alexander
Achimenes 'SRG's Hugues Aufray' exhibited by Mel Grice