2021 Virtual Flower Show

Welcome to the 2021 Virtual Flower Show, with 300 entries from 89 exhibitors. The show is arranged in six galleries. Click on one to have a choice of the various classes in a gallery, then click on the first image to start the slide show. Navigation controls will appear at the top of each image. Click on the quotation marks to toggle information on or off.

Members voted and selected the following ten entries from the 300 entries in the 2021 Virtual Flower Show. Five entries were selected from section A and one each from sections B through F.
View Peoples Choice Selections.

  • Section A – Jiaqi Qin – Columnea crassifolia
  • Section A – Dale Martens – Smithiantha ‘Stone’s Lemon Tea’
  • Section A – Hung Nguyen – Oreocharia pankaiyuae
  • Section A – Hung Nguyen – Sinningia ramboi
  • Section A – Terri Vicenzi – Streptocarpus ‘Little Kan’
  • Section B – LaDonna Hopson – Episcia ‘Alice’s Aussie’
  • Section C – Jiaqi Qin – Primulina leeii
  • Section D – Zi-Bing Xin – Primulina eburnea
  • Section E – Judy Zinni – Arrangement “Beithir”
  • Section F – Asa Tysk – Photograph of Sinningia guttata

Paul Susi – Virtual Show Coordinator; Karyn Cichocki, Margery Anderson-Clive, Mel Grice, Jeanne Katzenstein, Dale Martens, Hung Nguyen – Classification Team; Alcie Maxwell – Photo Preparation; Karyn Cichocki, Jeanne Katzenstein, Dale Martens, Paul Susi, Terri Vicenzi – Proofing; Karyn Cichocki, Julie Mavity-Hudson, Hung Nguyen – Web Upload; Peter Shalit – Editor, Gesneriads