2022 Blue Ribbon and Special Awards Entries
Photographs courtesy of Winston Goretsky, Dale Martens, Julie Mavity-Hudson and Ron Myhr
Best in Division
Best in Section
Special Award
Sinningia speciosa 'Carangola' exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Sinningia speciosa 'Carangola' exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Sinningia 'Country Grace' sport exhibited by Li Huang
Sinningia 'Country Grace' sport exhibited by Li Huang
Sinningia ˈSimSim Honey Peachˈ exhibited by Li Huang
Sinningia ˈSimSim Honey Peachˈ exhibited by Li Huang
Sinningia ˈSolsticeˈ exhibited by Peter Shalit
Sinningia ˈSolsticeˈ exhibited by Peter Shalit
Sinningia ˈTomorrowˈ exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Sinningia ˈTomorrowˈ exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Sinningia 'An’s Nyx' exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Sinningia 'An’s Nyx' exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Achimenes misera exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Achimenes misera exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Kohleria ˈNi’s Nasca' × K. ˈBeltaneˈ exhibited by Ann Amato and Derek Johnson
Kohleria ˈNi’s Nasca' × K. ˈBeltaneˈ exhibited by Ann Amato and Derek Johnson
Kohleria ˈBud’s Arielˈ exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Kohleria ˈBud’s Arielˈ exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Gloxinia perennis exhibited by Ann Amato and Derek Johnson
Gloxinia perennis exhibited by Ann Amato and Derek Johnson
Codonanthe carnosa exhibited by MJ Tyler
Codonanthe carnosa exhibited by MJ Tyler
Alsobia 'Iris August' exhibited by Josh Higgins
Alsobia 'Iris August' exhibited by Josh Higgins
Primulina 'Patina' exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Primulina 'Patina' exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Primulina 'Patina' exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Streptocarpus rupicolus cl. 'Kacharoroni' exhibited by Bob Clark
Streptocarpus rupicolus cl. 'Kacharoroni' exhibited by Bob Clark
Saintpaulia ˈMarina Tsvetaeva' exhibited by Bob Clark
Saintpaulia ˈMarina Tsvetaeva' exhibited by Bob Clark
Saintpaulia 'Pearl Dew' exhibited by Li Huang
Saintpaulia 'Pearl Dew' exhibited by Li Huang
Saintpaulia 'Rob's Boolaroo' exhibited by Cathleen Graves
Saintpaulia 'Rob's Boolaroo' exhibited by Cathleen Graves
Streptocarpus 'VaT-Mandarinka' exhibited by Li Huang
Streptocarpus 'VaT-Mandarinka' exhibited by Li Huang
Episcia 'Kee Wee' exhibited by Cathleen Graves
Primulina linearicalyx exhibited by John Wrightson
Primulina linearicalyx exhibited by John Wrightson
Drymonia ecuadorensis exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Drymonia ecuadorensis exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Kohleria 'Silver Feather' exhibited by Bob Clark
Kohleria 'Silver Feather' exhibited by Bob Clark
Sinningia concinna ˈSeropedicaˈ exhibited by Peter Shalit
Sinningia concinna ˈSeropedicaˈ exhibited by Peter Shalit
Michaelmoelleria vietnamensis exhibited by Hung Nguyen
Michaelmoelleria vietnamensis exhibited by Hung Nguyen
Primulina ˈJV Emerald Fuˈ exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina ˈJV Emerald Fuˈ exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina ˈJV Yung Love' exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina ˈJV Yung Love' exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Kohleria ˈBud’s Arielˈ exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Kohleria ˈBud’s Arielˈ exhibited by Brandon Erikson
Sinningia hybrid 20-12e exhibited by Peter Shalit
Sinningia hybrid 20-12e exhibited by Peter Shalit
Primulina petrocosmeoides × Primulina linearicalyx exhibited by Karyn Cichocki
Primulina petrocosmeoides × Primulina linearicalyx exhibited by Karyn Cichocki
Primulina sp. USBRG 98-083 exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Primulina sp. USBRG 98-083 exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina spadiciformis
Primulina spadiciformis
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina spadiciformis
Primulina spadiciformis
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina schouchengensis
Primulina schouchengensis
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina schouchengensis
Primulina schouchengensis
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina linearicalyx
Primulina linearicalyx
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina linearicalyx
Primulina linearicalyx
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina subrhomboidea
Primulina subrhomboidea
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina subrhomboidea
Primulina subrhomboidea
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina 'Candy'
Primulina 'Candy'
Primulina species and cultivar collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina 'Candy'
Primulina 'Candy'
Primulina yungfuensis × Primulina dryas and three seedlings exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina yungfuensis × Primulina dryas and three seedlings exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina dryas 'Latifolia Dwarf'
Primulina dryas 'Latifolia Dwarf'
Primulina yungfuensis × Primulina dryas and three seedlings exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina 'JV Jon's Favorite'
Primulina 'JV Jon's Favorite'
Primulina yungfuensis × Primulina dryas and three seedlings exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina 'JV Resurection'
Primulina 'JV Resurection'
Primulina yungfuensis × Primulina dryas and three seedlings exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina 'JV Forever Yung'
Primulina 'JV Forever Yung'
Primulina yungfuensis × Primulina dryas and three seedlings exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Primulina yungfuensis
Primulina yungfuensis
Primulina yungfuensis × Primulina dryas and three seedlings exhibited by Jim Vlasic
Multi-genera collection exhibited by Bill Price
Multi-genera collection exhibited by Bill Price
Pseudochirita guangxiensis var. glauca
Pseudochirita guangxiensis var. glauca
Multi-genera collection exhibited by Bill Price
Primulina cordata
Primulina cordata
Multi-genera collection exhibited by Bill Price
Petrocosmea rotundifolia
Petrocosmea rotundifolia
Multi-genera collection exhibited by Bill Price
Petrocosmea rotundifolia
Petrocosmea rotundifolia
Multi-genera collection exhibited by Bill Price
xRhytidoneria 'Ako Cardinal Flight'
xRhytidoneria 'Ako Cardinal Flight'
Multi-genera collection exhibited by Bill Price
xRhytidoneria 'Ako Cardinal Flight'
xRhytidoneria 'Ako Cardinal Flight'
"Hoh Rainforest" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
"Dungeness Crab" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
"Octopus" exhibited by Karyn Cichocki
"Chihuly – a Burst of Color" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
"Mount Rainier" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
"Galloping Gertie" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
"The Beaches of Hood Canal" (Challenge Class) exhibited by Bob Clark
"Pacific Northwest" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
"Tacoma Narrows Bridge" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
"Snoqualmie Falls" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
"Muckleshoot Casino" exhibited by Pat Shandrow
Terrarium, straight-sided exhibited by Bob Clark
Terrarium, curved exhibited by MJ Tyler
Terrarium, curved exhibited by MJ Tyler
Tray Landscape exhibited by Bob Clark
Natural Garden exhibited by John Wrightson
Nematanthus wiehleri exhibited by Karyn Cichocki
Sinningia speciosa ˈImbeˈ exhibited by Dave Zaitlin
Petrocodon vietnamensis exhibited by Stephen Maciejewski
Columnea schiedeana exhibited by Dale Martens
Watercolor Painting of Sinningia 'Prudence Risleyˈ exhibited by MJ Tyler
Bobbin Lace textile of Saintpaulia exhibited by Rohm Gustafson
Paper Quilling design of Petrocodon coccineus exhibited by Jean Chin
"Origin and Dispersal of the Gesneriad Family"exhibited by Alan LaVergne