2024 Convention – Auctions
Gesneriads Meet in St. Louis
June 30 to July 6, 2024
The Gesneriad Society Convention is a good time to meet old and new friends and find new plant introductions and growing supplies. Our auctions are the place to find these treasures. Now is the time to sort through your grooming tools, plant supplies, books, and artistic materials. I am sure you will find duplicates or items you no longer use. Your generosity in donating can help new growers acquire items not readily available in their local shops. Also look on your plant stands and consider donating an unusual gesneriad. Sharing is what makes The Gesneriad Society such a wonderful group of friends. The plant sales area also appreciates your donations.
The Silent Auction contains horticulturally related items such as growing containers, grooming tools, books, and artistic supplies. You may also find rhizomes, tubers, leaves or cuttings of unusual plants not offered in the sales area since they may be in limited supply from the donor. The Live Auction is composed of new introductions, rare plants, mature plants, and also some of the award-winning plants that some of our exhibitors are generously willing to donate to the auction at the close of the show. If you are not attending convention this year, please consider sending your donations with a friend. Prior to June 15th you may mail non-perishable donations to George Kloppe, c/o Illinois P&H Supply Co., 4725 Wabash Ave., Springfield, IL 62711. Donation forms are now available to download from the 2024 Convention page.
Feel free to contact Austin Grevious at <aagrevious@gmail.com> with any questions. Wouldn’t it be exciting if everyone attending donated at least one item for the auction! Proceeds from both auctions will be going to the Nellie D. Sleeth Scholarship Endowment Fund.
Austin Grevious, Development Chair