2025 Convention – Auctions
Gesneriads Gather in the Garden State
June 29 to July 5, 2025
Our annual Society conventions provide opportunities to meet with other gesneriad enthusiasts, purchase plants and supplies, and just generally immerse yourself in the plants!
Two of the highlights of the convention are the Silent Auction and the Live Auction. Besides winning unique items, every bid adds to the assets that fund the various endowment accounts. These endowment funds promote the study, conservation, research, and general promotion of Gesneriads. Both Auctions only exist due to the generosity of the members of the Society who make donations.
Whether you will attend or not, I hope you will consider providing items that other enthusiasts would enjoy! Tools, plant supplies, growing containers, books, antique prints, artistic supplies are always highlights. Live plant material – rare and unusual, show-stopping Flower Show winners, cuttings, plantlets, seeds and rhizomes never disappoint! You can bring your items to donate to the convention, send them with a friend if you are unable to attend, or mail non-perishable items to: Jeanne Katzenstein, 611B Lake Point Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701.
The excitement of both auctions depends on your generosity. Just an item or two you bring along can become the funding The Gesneriad Society seeks to further enhance and preserve gesneriads. Thank you for your generosity!
Colleen Turley, Development Chair <gesneriaddevelopment@fastmail.fm>