2025 Convention – Plant Sales Procedures
Gesneriads Gather in the Garden State
June 29 to July 5, 2025
The plants available for sale at convention come from commercial vendors, from our members, and from chapters, who may participate as donors or vendors. An invitation to participate as either a donor or vendor is extended to all Gesneriad Society members who adhere to the following guidelines. Any amount of donated plant material is greatly appreciated. Donated plants do not need to be priced in advance, although it would be helpful. All potted plants for sale should be well rooted, clearly labeled and insect and disease free. Rhizomes, tubers, cuttings, and stolons in labeled plastic bags are also welcome.
Each item coming into plant sales must be labeled per the instructions below. Plants are dual tagged to ensure that sellers receive proceeds from their plants, that buyers go home with correctly named plants, and that the sales process is efficient.
DONORS: Any amount of donated plant material is greatly appreciated. You do not need to price your plants in advance, although it would be helpful. Simply bring your donated materials to the sales area and the sales committee will price them.
- Each plant must be labeled, with its name printed clearly on a WHITE plant label placed securely in the pot. Growers are requested to place their name on the back of the plant identification label. Please use a complete plastic label in each pot, not ones cut into smaller pieces.
- Label cuttings, rhizomes, tubers, and bagged plants by clearly printing the plant name on the bag or on a WHITE plant label securely stapled to the bag. Alternatively, place a plastic label inside the bag.
VENDORS: To be considered a commercial, chapter, or individual vendor at convention (and receive a portion of the sales revenue) you must bring a minimum of 10 plants or bags of rhizomes, tubers, cuttings, or stolons. In addition to the labeling described above:
- On a separate brightly COLORED plant label, show the price and seller’s identification. Place BOTH labels on the same side of the pot facing out. It will help if the price label is longer than the name label.
- Price cuttings, rhizomes, tubers, and bagged plants by attaching a brightly COLORED label with the price and seller’s identification. Staple the price label separately from the name label. Please DO NOT TAPE pricing labels to bags.
If you plan to donate and/or sell plants at convention, please inform Plant Sales Co-Chair Mel Grice as soon as possible. Send your name, address, and the ID and label color you will use on your labels (example: “M.G.” on blue label) to Mel Grice <melsgrice@gmail.com> All plants should be delivered to the plant sales area by Tuesday evening of the convention. If you plan on arriving later, please contact Mel to make other arrangements. Proceeds from plant sales are mailed to vendors after the convention.