2025 Convention – Social Media Guidelines
Gesneriads Gather in the Garden State
June 29 to July 5, 2025
The Gesneriad Society encourages social media posts from our convention in order to share with gesneriad enthusiasts who are not able to be present. The hashtag #gescon25 should ideally be used when posting to social media regarding the 2025 Convention. We do require that attendees adhere to the following social media etiquette during convention:
Flower Show / Entries / Judging
Live streaming of preparation of convention flower show entries in any location is not permitted and will be cause for disqualification from exhibiting in the flower show and/or removal from the entries area.
- All types of photography, video recordings, and social media posts are strictly prohibited during flower show judging.
- Convention show photos and videos may be posted to social media only after the show has officially opened to the public. This includes photographs or videos that identify the subject as a show entry.
Live streaming of any convention presentation is prohibited.
- Flash photography of presentations is not permitted as it is distracting to the speaker.
- Individual speaker presentations may be recorded by attendees only after obtaining the written consent of the presenters and the Convention Committee.